Introduction to online blackjack

By 20 January 2021

Online blackjack is a kind of online casino game played via an online casino using only your mobile device or PC. This game can be played at any place and any time. If you want more information about playing online blackjack, you can visit

How to play online blackjack

Online blackjack is a kind of card game that involves a couple of players and a dealer. The game starts when the dealer shares two face-down cards to the players and aslo to himself. The card of the dealer can be face down or face up.

The objective of each player is to increase the value of their hand to be close to 21 and higher than that of the dealer. Generally, the vendor stops playing when he gets a hand that is over 17 and you lose when you go over 21.

Actions to take

For each turn, the player is expected to make a move to beat the dealer. After the player has gotten his cards, he can decide to take another card if he feels the card is hand is not high enough to beat the dealer.

In a case where the player feels his hand is sufficiently high, he can choose to stand and retain the cards he already has. Furthermore, in a case where you have two similar cards, you can choose to split it into two hands. This move is called 'split'.


Online blackjack variants

Online blackjack has quite a few variations that you can choose from. These variations have unique rules that govern them. The common type is the blackjack switch. This variation allows the players to start the game with two hands. The players can also interchange the cards between the two hands.

Another type is the Double exposure blackjack which begins with two face-up cards for the dealer. This makes it simple for the players to make decisions. However, on account of a tie, the dealer wins the round and also blackjack wins pays 1 to 1.

How to choose an online casino

Before you can start playing online blackjack, you have to find an online casino to play at. There are fundamental prerequisites you have to take a look at before you start playing at an online casino. The first requirement is that the online casino must be officially licensed to operate.

Another requirement is that the customer support must be responsive. This will prove to be useful when you encounter technical issues on the online casino website. Additionally, you should confirm the payment method available to choose from. The more decisions you have the better for you.

Online blackjack strategy

Although online blackjack is a game of chance, however, there are certain strategies you can follow to increase your chance of winning. A simple strategy is to stop hitting when your hand is 19 or more. This will save you from going over 21

Another strategy is to split your hand if you have a pair of 8. The reason is that a pair of 8 is not a strong hand but can easily go over 21. By splitting the hand, you have a better chance of hitting close to 21.